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Striper Topwater Kit
Retail: $69.99
Price: $59.99
review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Availability: In Stock
Tackle Cove Item #: TWK1 -

Tackle Cove has handpicked five (5) 6 premium topwater lures from the top brands such as Stillwater Smack-it, Heddon, MirroLure and more!  Includes a soft-mesh case, a $10 value. Makes a great Christmas, Holiday or Birthday gift.

Atom Popper - 7/8 oz. Silver White
Retail: $12.99
Price: $11.99
Availability: In Stock
Atom Lures Item #: 60PB - SW -

The words Atom and Striper are pretty much synonymous. Since back in the 40s when Bob Pond proved that the real Striper action comes on the surface with plugs. Today, Atom is still standard issue in any tackle box all up and down the East Coast. POP, POP, POP C'MON STRIKE is the tune to play with the ATOM POPPING PLUG AND STRIPER SWIPER. When readying the cadence, please include the pause. They work better that way. To make these popper type plugs pop, point the rod at the plug with the tip...