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Products 1-19 of 19
Chesapeake LT Kits Chesapeake light tackle lures, rockfish lures, striper fishing kit, Chesapeake gamefish light tackle lure, Light Tackle stripers, Striper Light Tackle fishing
Retail: $60.00
Price: $39.99
Availability: In Stock
Tackle Cove Item #: CD-LTRK -

Tackle Cove's "Chesapeake LT Kits are hand-picked by professional fishing outfitter and outdoors writer Capt. CDollar. It contains everything you need to get started fishing with Light Tackle on Chesapeake Bay and inshore along Atlantic coast.  It has lures to catch rockfish (stripers), bluefish, red drum, cobia, speckled trout and many other game fish. Top fish-catching brands ideal for Chesapeake and Atlantic's near shore waters. Either the Angler or Pro Kit is...

G Eye Jigs  G-Eye Jigs, G-Eye Jigs Custom Jig Heads, Chesapeake light tackle jigs, Striper Jigging, Rockfish Lures. Light Tackle Jigging, Soft Plastics, Rockfish Jigging
Retail: $7.00
Price: $5.25
Availability: In Stock
G-Eye Jigs Item #: GI-J -

Whether casting for rockfish, speckled trout, cobia or red drum, G-Eye Jigs are proven fish catches. And not just on the Chesapeake, but from Maine to Florida, any gamefish that swims these patented, hand-made jigheads flat out catch fish. Custom designed around the eye and made with unique characteristics to entice fish into reaction strikes, G-Eye Jigs are made with the highest quality materials and attention to detail. Each jig is individually powder painted and meticulously...

Rain Minnows - G Eye Jigs Rain Minnows, G Eye Jig Rain Minnows, bluefish lures, Spanish mackerel lures, rockfish lures, rockfish jigging, metal jigs for Spanish mackerel, bluefish
Retail: $7.50
Price: $5.25
Availability: In Stock
G-Eye Jigs Item #: RMGN1 -

Summer Time Spanish Macks! Rain Minnow has proven a killer lure on bluefish, rockfish and Spanish macs and along the Atlantic Coast from early summer through October.  These metal jigs feature 3D eyes glued into the custom formed indented sockets on its sides for ultimate protection. Fish can't resist the pearl flashabou that's hand-tied onto a Mustad saltwater hook. Rain Minnows flat out catch fish.  ...

Striper Topwater Kit
Retail: $69.99
Price: $59.99
review-star review-star review-star review-star review-star
Availability: In Stock
Tackle Cove Item #: TWK1 -

Tackle Cove has handpicked five (5) 6 premium topwater lures from the top brands such as Stillwater Smack-it, Heddon, MirroLure and more!  Includes a soft-mesh case, a $10 value. Makes a great Christmas, Holiday or Birthday gift.

Bass Kandy Delights (BKDs) - 6" - 10 Pack
Retail: $6.25
Price: $4.75
Availability: In Stock
Bass Kandy Delights Item #: BKD-6-10 -

For 20 years, BKDs have been the "Go To" soft plastic lure for targeting stripers (rockfish) on Chesapeake Bay. Available in six- and ten-inch lures, they have terrific tail action to trigger fish to bite. Plus, they stay on the hook better than most competitors.  Many light tackle anglers' "personal bests" have been caught on BKDs. Our customers have sent pictures of different kinds of fish caught using BKD's from many destinations around the world.​BKDs can be...

Smack It Jr.
Retail: $60.00
Price: $55.00
Availability: In Stock
Stillwater Lures Item #: SW-SMK IT JR -

Only Available in Variety 3-Packs!* Three different colors, hand-picked by pros. Great deal on the little cousin to the original Smack-It. This power-packed plug has a '"mouth" that creates a surface disturbance to attract all types of gamefish. Smack-It Jr. excels in smaller waters, and is ideal for back bay fishing for schooling stripers, speckled trout, redfish, and blues. Comes in Classic or Holographic paint finish.  Smack-it has a reputation for bringing in the big...

Smack It
Retail: $40.00
Price: $30.00
Availability: Out of Stock
Stillwater Lures Item #: SW-SMK IT -

SOLD OUT Smack-its - A Proven Fish Catcher! The original Smack-It has the weight to make those long casts, yet still floats with ease. The Smack-It works well when casting from the beach or from a boat, or open Chesapeake Bay for all kinds of gamefish, including stripers, bluefish, red drum, cobia and many more. Features include 3X strong Mustad hooks and finishes that will hold up to the toughest of conditions. Even the holographic finished baits will not chip or peel. Perhaps the most...

Soft Plastic Multi-Packs  soft plastics, striper lures, rockfish soft plastics, jigging lures, red drum lures, cobia lures, cobia lures, red drum lures, drum lures
Retail: $22.00
Price: $15.00
Availability: In Stock
Tackle Cove Item #: SPM-3 -

Tackle Cove's "Sampler Pack"* offers you 3, 6 or 10 packs of the best soft plastic lures on the market, such as ZMan, BKDs and more great lures! Hand picked by the pros from Tackle Cove, all at a great price.  ...

Atom Popper - 7/8 oz. Silver White
Retail: $12.99
Price: $11.99
Availability: In Stock
Atom Lures Item #: 60PB - SW -

The words Atom and Striper are pretty much synonymous. Since back in the 40s when Bob Pond proved that the real Striper action comes on the surface with plugs. Today, Atom is still standard issue in any tackle box all up and down the East Coast. POP, POP, POP C'MON STRIKE is the tune to play with the ATOM POPPING PLUG AND STRIPER SWIPER. When readying the cadence, please include the pause. They work better that way. To make these popper type plugs pop, point the rod at the plug with the tip...

Lil Bunker 1 ounce
Retail: $18.95
Price: $12.95
Availability: In Stock
Specialized Baits Item #: LB10 -

The Li’l Bunker is made with a slight curve to give the lure an action of its own. On the retrieve the Li’l Bunker has a wiggle. On the drop the Li’l Bunker has a wobble.  The action of the lure translates into more fish on the end of your line. This lure covers the entire water column. Cast it to breaking fish or let it flutter to the bottom. The Li’l Bunker will catch a wide variety of fish. ...

BKD "Big Eye" Jigs $1 Off! Chesapeake light tackle jigging, Striper Jigging lures, rockfish jigs, striper jigheads, rockfish lures, striper lures, light tackle jigging Rockfish, Jigging stripers,
Retail: $7.00
Price: $6.00
Availability: In Stock
Bass Kandy Delights Item #: CJH -

BKD's "Big Eye" jig heads are perfectly matched with the soft plastic lures. They can be rigged and fished in many ways, but really are best when rigged right on light tackle. From rockfish [stripers] and red drum to cobia and tuna, BKD jig heads are at home in many waters.NOTE: All weights only available in white except 2 oz.-chartreuse only. Quantities Limited ...

ZMan DieZel MinnowZ ZMan DieZel MinnowZ, Z-Man's renowned MinnowZ swimbait, Chesapeake swimbaits, Chesapeake light tackle jigging, MinnowZ, Z-Man's MinnowZ swimbait, Z-Man's swimbait, 10X Tough ElaZtech, Slam Shady
Retail: $5.99
Price: $4.99
Availability: Out of Stock
ZMan Item #: ZManDz -

Unparalleled softness, action, and ElaZtech® durability merge to create the most bulletproof swimbait on the market. Inspired by Z-Man's renowned three-inch MinnowZ™, fresh- and saltwater anglers alike will find that the DieZel MinnowZ's hook slot and split dorsal fin provide easy weedless rigging and problem-free hooksets. Available in 4" and 7" sizes, there's a DieZel MinnowZ to cover just about every application out there!

Berkley® Saltwater Gulp!® $1 OFF! Gulp! 4"Grub Salmon Red, Berkley saltwater grubs, Gulp! grub, Gulp! twister taillures, Berkley® Gulp!® lures
Retail: $7.99
Price: $6.99
Availability: In Stock

Berkeley Gulp! is legendary as on jigs or as a trailer to catch all kinds of saltwater fish, including red drum and cobia as well as big flounder and other big fish. Proven tail action design swims under all conditions. Rig it several different ways.

Rockfish Poppers  rockfish poppers, Hard Head Custom Baits Rockfish Poppers, cajun thunder cork poppers
Retail: $10.95
Price: $7.95
Availability: In Stock
Hard Head Baits Item #: HH-RP -

Custom Rigged Popping Corks  Chose either a standard Cajun Thunder Popping Cork to rig your own or our custom rigged "rockfish popper" with a Cajun Thunder Popping Cork. The corks feature brass and magnum plastic beads to create a splashing and loud clicking noise that attracts gamefish from a great distance. The Rockfish Popper is rigged with a 24-30" leader and a 3/8 oz or 1/2 oz shad head and a soft plastic bait! It's a deadly combination...

Gotcha Plugs
Retail: $5.39
Price: $4.85
Availability: In Stock
Gotcha Lures Item #: GTCHA -

Got-Cha lures are excellent for bluefish, Spanish mackerel, speckled trout or other game fish that feed on small bait fish. Reel in using short, sharp jerks of the rod to produce a deadly swimming action. 

Rat-L-Trap Saltwater Lures  Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap Saltwater lures, Rat-L-Trap Saltwater crankbaits, Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap Saltwater crank baits, crank baits
Retail: $8.99
Price: $7.99
Availability: Out of Stock
Item #: RT140S -

Bill Lewis' famed "Rat-L-Trap" lipless crank bait has earned its place in history as one of the most versatile lures to ever come along. It will catch equally well in salt or fresh water. Striped bass, puppy drum, walleye, trout, salmon, and many other fresh and saltwater species simply cannot resist this lure. Available in two colors: Chrome/Chartreuse and Chrome/Blueback, both with red eyes and strong Mustad saltwater hooks.  

Red Drum-Cobia Lure Kit $10 OFF! Red Drum lures, Cobia lures, Lure Kit, Cobia lures, red drum lures, drum lures
Retail: $69.95
Price: $59.95
Availability: In Stock
Tackle Cove Item #: cb100 -

Red drum and cobia are two of the toughest game fish that swim in the mid-Atlantic & Chesapeake. This "Bull Tamer Kit" features are variety of proven trophy catchers including, ZMan, BKD and Bust ‘Em Baits and 1 oz.-2 oz jig heads from Coaches Lures & G Eye Jigs.

Bass Assassin - Shad Assassin 5" 10 Pack
Retail: $6.99
Price: $6.79
Availability: In Stock
Bass Assassin Item #: SA10 -

Roscoe Lil Man Jigs $2 Off! Jigging lures, Sea Bass Jigs, Snapper Jigs. Offshore Jigs, Offshore Jigging lures, Bluewater Candy Lures,  Lil Man Roscoe Jigs, Roscoe Jigs, Blue Water Candy Jigs,
Retail: $12.99
Price: $10.99
Availability: In Stock
Blue Water Candy Item #: BWC725 -

Roscoe Lil' Man Jigs Built for medium-light tackle, Lil’ Man weighs two ounces and was designed with bottom critters and small mouthed fish in mind. Our field trials showed that Lil’ Man is a killer on trigger fish, black sea bass, grunts, pinkies, snapper, kings, dolphin and others! Lil’ Man has a glow paint body with three accent colors available, pink, blue and brown. It comes rigged with a #2 treble hook.