Chesapeake bay fishing, kayak fishing, youth camps, fish Chesapeake, fish the Bay, striper fishing, kayak rockfish trips, guided striper fishing on the Chesapeake, Bay fishing

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Let's Go Fishing & Crabbing! 

Season Runs May 1st thru November! 

Family Fishing & Crabbing Trips on 20' Center Console: $525* [Half-day]. Bottom fishing is a great way to spend several hours on the lower Rappahannock River. Visiting the Northern Neck? Try crabbing, it's great family fun. [No fishing license required.]

Kayak Fishing: $325*, 1 angler [Half-day]. Additional angler $100. Two anglers max. We fish on the modern pedal-driven fishing kayaks that are very stable and comfortable. [Saltwater fishing license required.]  

Instructional Services: $65 per hour. Fully licensed by the U.S. Coast Guard since 1994, Capt. Dollar has also received certifications from the National Safe Boating Council. Services include basic navigation, close-quarter and docking skills. 

Rates reflect trips in the lower Northern Neck area from Corrotoman River south to the Windmill Point. Custom trips are available to fish the Piankatank River during summer/fall and lower Potomac River in the late fall. 

Custom trips available, email for availability and pricing.

**Make checks payable to: CD Outdoors LL, PO Box 12, Irvington VA 22480. Prices stated above reflect cash/check discount. Credit cards accepted online with processing fees applied. 

Price: $335.00
    Points to Purchase:33500

    Update price

    The skinny waters of Virginia's lower Northern Neck are perfect for light tackle and fly angling from our pedal-driven kayaks. With 30 years experience as an outdoors professional on the Bay, Capt. C. Dollar focuses primarily on the shallower waters near marsh guts and grass flats. We fish for speckled trout, redfish (puppy drum), stripers (rockfish), and summer visitors like bluefish and Spanish mackerel.

    Capt. C. Dollar is also the owner of Tackle Cove Outfitters, an full-service outfitter based in White Stone, VA. We're dedicated to marine conservation, and strongly encourage catch-and-release of breeding-sized game fish.  Email us to start your adventure today!

    Our Policy

    No deposit is required for reservations. Client may cancel reservations with no charge up to 14 days prior to reserved date. Client will be billed $125.00 for cancelations made by client less than 14 days prior to reserved date. 

    We practice and strongly encourage catch-and-release of breeding-sized game fish. Captain reserves the right to cancel reservations at anytime due to weather or other unforeseen circumstance. In this case, the client may choose to reserve a new date.

    Full payment is due at completion of the trip. Payments can be made in cash, check or online* via credit card (*Make checks payable to: CD Outdoors LL, PO Box 12, Irvington VA 22480. Prices stated above reflect cash/check discount. Credit cards accepted online with processing fees applied.)

    Payment Options

    Mail check to: CD Outdoors, LLC, P.O. Box 12 Irvington, VA 22480. 

    Final payment is due at the end of the fishing trip; cash or check accepted. Gratuity appreciated if you feel  a fishing guide for his efforts.

    What to Bring

    • Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, rain/wind jacket, quick drying pants or light-weight waders, camera, insect repellant.
    • Water and snacks. Small cooler OK.